


Dear on-campus international students:


At present, the overall situation of prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan is witnessing positive changes, but the university is still in the closed management stage, and the International Student Apartments will continue with closed management until further notice from the superiors.


According to the actual situation of Jianghan University and School of International Education (SIE) at the current stage, combined with the living and learning status of the on-campus international students, and with the approval of the university leader in charge, SIE intends to organize the on-campus international students to carry out ‘safe, timely, orderly and moderate’ outdoor activities. The relevant issues are hereby notified as following:


Basic Principle


In accordance with the general requirements of ‘preventing internal infection and external input’, conduct well-organized non-aggregate outdoor activities for on-campus international students in designated area on campus.


Activity Area


Soccer Field, South Campus


Activity Requirements


Make appointment for outdoor activities


On-campus international students are divided into 2 groups. Batch 2015 and 2017 (No. 1-60, No. 121-165) are the first group, who can make appointments for 13:00-14:30 every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Batch 2016, 2018 and 2019 (No. 61-120, No. 166-188) are the second group, who can make appointments for 13:00-14:30 every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.


On-campus international students should make appointments 1 day before they plan to conduct outdoor activities. The appointments close at 10:00 pm on the previous day. On-campus international students who want to engage in outdoor activities should go to the dormitory managers in Room 805 and fill in the Appointment Form of Outdoor Activities for On-campus International Students.


The outdoor activities shall be carried out according to the order of appointments, and the number of students shall not exceed 45 in each period. The list of on-campus international students with successful appointments will be announced on the morning of outdoor activities.


10 minutes before the appointment time, the dormitory manager waits on the 1st floor for on-campus students with appointments. After checking appointment information, the on-campus international students will hand over their passports to the dormitory manager for custody. After finishing the outdoor activities, the on-campus international students return to the International Student Apartments on time, retrieve your passports from the dormitory management, and return to their dorms in an orderly manner. In case of bad weather or unexpected situation, immediately return to the apartment with order.


‘4 MUST’ requirements are to be implemented. Identity MUST be checked, temperature MUST be measured, information MUST be recorded, and masks MUST be worn for all on-campus international students during the outdoor activities. Disinfect, register, and measure temperature at the duty station, and then release.


Outdoor activities are to be conducted in designated area. The Soccer Field, South Campus is the only designated area to conduct outdoor activities. It is strictly forbidden to go out of the campus and carry out any outdoor activities beyond the designated area.


Gathering is strictly prohibited. Outdoor activities are mainly decentralized ones such as walking, running, playing badminton, passing balls etc. No vigorous sports. No group activities.


For the safety of on-campus international students who will conduct outdoor activities, it is not allowed to ride any means of transportation.


Avoid the contact with strangers. On-campus international students who will conduct outdoor activities are required to avoid the contact with other people on campus, avoid unnecessary contact with other schoolmates, and do not touch animals such as cats and dogs.


Return on time. On-campus international students who will conduct outdoor activities must return as scheduled before 14:30. On-campus international students who will conduct outdoor activities must return to the apartments strictly on time. Those who do not return and do not obey the management will be disqualified from outdoor activities and given punishments corresponding disciplines, regulations and rules.


When returning, enter the International Student Apartments after disinfection, registration and temperature measurement at the duty station. After returning to the dorms, wash their hands with flowing water in time and maintain personal hygiene.


We hereby notify the information above. The notice will be in trail operation from today.





School of International Education, 

Jianghan University

April 13th, 2020